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900k ahli di sana sedang mengunggu anda di Baitul Jannah. Mungkin.. jodoh awak ada sana.
Daftar Sekarang!
JUSTWRITE! Contest : Enter And Win A Pair Of....
- MissClarks
- 14 years ago
- 2,271
Salam all!
Kapasitor is a lil’ bit dull nowadays with all those final exams thingy. The whole world seems looks like London-grey and boring. Well, except for the double decker bus. You think they may paint it colorful? Naah, don’t think so.
As usual daddy Mosh who always come out with great idea, well..came with a great idea! :D New competition you guys!
Heeeeeeeeere’s Mosh!!
New Competition : JUSTWRITE!
We like to invite everyone to participate in our next EN SECTION COMPETITION. I really don’t have an idea to name this competition but I think I’ll just name it JUSTWRITE!
What is JUSTWRITE! ?
Well, the name says it all. Just write lah!
How does it goes?
Ok, it’s simple. We provide you a picture or an art and you JUSTWRITE! a poetry or a short story based on it. Simple ain’t?
Submit or upload your entry in EN Poetry or Short Story Section from 4/11/2010 to closing date 5/12/2010. Please type JWCOMP in your post title, for example, “JWCOMP : Mad Dog & Sneakerhead”.
Winner & Prize
Ok, this time the moderators will be the judges. After the closing dates, each moderator will chose 2 entry that they like the most. The entry that will get the most votes from moderators will be the winner. So with that, all the EN moderators CANNOT enter this competition but is encouraged to still take part and submit their works.
Okay if you don’t get how it works, lemme show you one piece using the picture posted by Mosh
JWCOMP: Harry The Hairy Hand
Harry the hairy hand has a hunch. He hates Horlicks and honey Hacks and hazelnut. Has he handshake the housekeeper of heaven and hell? Has he wears halters and hat of his heirloom?
Or something-something I’m sure you guys could come out with something better. So come and participate, and wish you all luck. Remember: a pair of Adidas sneakers to grab y’all!
ex oh ex oh!