Macam Mana Nak Cari Jodoh di Malaysia?
900k ahli di sana sedang mengunggu anda di Baitul Jannah. Mungkin.. jodoh awak ada sana.
Daftar Sekarang!
- chrysalis
- 16 years ago
- 1,242
TAKE ME AS I AM! Because I am who God called me to be! I am a wife and a friend for everybody. I am in my mid twenties. Some say I look older? God is good! I’ve had the privilege of walking with Him for 25 years(and found the right path when I was 23) and not ONCE did I turn my back on God to serve another idol. What’s my secret? God is real!
A righteous man falls 7 times and gets right back up every time so the devil does not gain a “Foothold!”
*If we do already have a foothold keep trusting in God and getting back up and it’ll be broken in time if we keep”Believing.”*
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God! He is the Only Way Truth and Life! Nothing else even compares to God! He is EVERYTHING to me! I am truly nothing without Him! Many people walk away from God as a Muslim because they do not “truly” know Him or trust Him. Wisdom and experience taught me that God is the only one who satisfies! I did not find comfort in sin but only in intercession with Him through abuse, unfaithfulness, and even death, and near death experiences! We believe in the POWER OF PRAYER! God answers prayers and He is faithful! God is indescribably AMAZING! HIS love AND MERCY is Unfathomable. He’s more than words can say! THROUGH God I AM TRULY AN OVERCOMER SO I ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO OVERCOME THROUGH God!
My #1 goal in life is to give others the strength that I’ve had and TO BE “OVERCOMERS” through any type of situation JUST LIKE I HAVE! I AM BOLD AS A LION! I’m as tenacious as a bulldog. I PRESS ON WITH ALL THAT IS IN ME and then I wait for God’s promises no matter how long they may take! Sometimes they’re instant. And Sometimes they do take a long time! SOMETIMES THE OUTCOME IS NOT WHAT YOU’LD EXPECT! Many times the longer it takes the more amazing the outcome! BE CONTENT IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES! I know I have! People like to come to me when they need wisdom and advice! My whole life is a testimony to God’s amazing Power at work in my life!
GOD’S GIFTINGS & callings in me are truly through His mercy and loving kindness on me…
They are:
My husband’s GIFTs are:
Both our testimonies are that we’ve stuck with God through thick and thin! He has this gift of Humility and Loving me as God loves the mosque! He teaches men how to love their wives and keep romance in a marriage! I encourage/counsel my family, close friends, loved ones,& married couples, as well as people with low self-esteem who are wanting to come out of their shell and wanting to become more confident.
My husband says in many ways he thinks I am brilliant because many women in my life have been encouraged and enriched by me, I don’t think it’s brilliance though, it’s simply that experience has been my best teacher, Believing God at his word, and the Power of the Holy Spirit working through me! YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH GOD WHO STRENGHTHENS YOU!!
MY philosphy about life is:
Most of the time things do not go according to plan! Patience is of the essence in life!
(yaitu) orang-orang yang apabila disebut nama Allah gemetarlah hati mereka, orang-orang yang sabar terhadap apa yang menimpa mereka, orang-orang yang mendirikan sembahyang dan orang-orang yang menafkahkan sebagian dari apa yang telah Kami rezkikan kepada mereka.
[Al Hajj:35]
GOD WORKS EVERYTHING OUT FOR GOOD FOR THOSE THAT LOVE THE LORD AND WHO ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE. DON’T KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO BE WHEN I GROW UP.. HAHA! I don’t think I’ll ever grow up!! I agree, it’s uncanny! People look at me like they just saw a ghost & after the initial shock they immediately ask what is your secret?! My secret you will never know maybe it’s:
A. Serving God
B. maybe i was born with it
C. Maybe its maybelline!! hehe
D. All the above.
It’s for you to decide!
Lastly, Who am I: Well a few things can sum it up:
1.Expressive, Very Confident, Analytical, Kindhearted, & Loving
2.For leisure: I love to sip my coffee and THINK, pray, read, write, & Talk about God with: Hubby, My girls, and close friends!
Lastly, I love to share hospitality and give to others and am thankful when I can do that because sometimes as adults we have a hard time receiving. Also, I like to think I’m funny even if I’m the only one who laughs at times! I enjoy one of three things about people:
1.humble heart/ loving heart
2. a wise and intellectually stimulating conversation
3. or people who are just good old fashion crazy and fun cuz life’s too short to not have fun!
Keep it light! Keep your joy & don’t let anything take it from you! Bye For Now!!!…